Bomb Threat in Seoul

Bomb Threat

According to a local Korean newspaper, a teenage boy was recently arrested for threatening to blow-up the historical statue of King SeJong.

The statue is located in Gwanghwamun Plaza in central Seoul.

Apparently, the boy called the police threatening to blow up the statue within the next hour.

Police were able to catch the boy by using cctv and fingerprints. They arrested him at a nearby phone booth.

폭탄 위협

한국 지역 신문에 따르면, 한 십대 소년이 역사적인 세종대왕 동상을 폭파시킨다는 위협을 가하여 최근에 체포되었습니다.

그 동상은 서울 중심의 광화문 광장에 위치하고 있습니다.

이 소년은 한 시간 안에 동상을 폭파할 것이라고 위협하면서 경찰에게 전화를 건 것으로 보입니다.

경찰은 CCTV와 지문을 사용하여 소년을 잡을 수 있었습니다. 그들은 근처의 공중전화 부스에서 그를 체포했습니다.


폭탄 – bomb
위협 – threat
지역 – area, region, local
지역번호- area code
지역 신문 –local newspaper
동상 – statue
폭파 – blow-up, blast
체포하다 – to arrest
중심 –  center, heart
위치하다 – to be located, placed
안에 – within
지문 – fingerprints
사용하 – to use
잡다 – to catch
공중전화 – payphone, 공중 means public


~에 따르면 – according to

  • 소문에 따르면 – according to rumors
  • 일기예보에 따르면 – according to the weather forecast

You will also see ~에 의하면. It is also according to and is used the same way. So,

  • 소문에 의하면 – according to rumors
  • 일기예보에 의하면-according to the weather forecast

역사적인 -역사 is history. When we add적인 it creates a kind of ‘al’ meaning. So means historical

~면서 – this is used to indicate that something is happening at the same time, for example

  • I eat pizza while watching TV.
    • 피자를 먹으면서 TV를봅니다.
  • I listen to music while studying. 
    • 음악을들으면서  공부해요.

It is similar to “while” in English.~는동안 also used to mean “while. The difference is that when~면서is used the subject is the same in both clauses. When~는동안  used the subjects can be different.
So for a sentence like [I play basketball] while [my friends cheer]. ~는동안 would be used because each clause has a different subject.

~에게-  is used as an indirect object particle. Often translated as “to” in English. For Example, “I gave the ball to Matt. ” Ball is the direct object and Matt is the indirect object. In this articles it is used  in 경찰에게.